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PHOTOS: ‘Themed playground’ opens at Douglass Community Center

Apr 10, 2023

Families explore the new Douglass Community Center playground May 31.

At about 6:40 p.m. May 31, there was a moment of unbridled joy.

The adults had finished talking, and it was finally time for the dozens of kids gathered at Douglass High School Education and Development Campus in Leesburg to be the first to try out the brand-new playground.

The twisty slide was the biggest hit.

The "themed playground," which replaces an old facility, will be used by the Douglass Community Center programs run by the county parks and rec department. It's part of the larger renovation of Douglass High School campus, which until the late 1960s was the only public high school open to Black students. Besides the community center, the campus will host several school, county and nonprofit offices. The Douglass Community Center programs were relocated temporarily during the renovation.

The "Hall of Heroes" installation at the new Douglass Community Center playground was designed to evoke the architecture of the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Along with standard features like monkey bars, slides and rope ladders, the new playground was designed to honor the contributions of Black Americans to Loudoun County and the United States. A "Hall of Heroes" installation, inspired by the architecture of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, features images of icons like Jackie Robinson, W. E. B. Du Bois, Thurgood Marshall and, of course, Frederick Douglass.

Panels throughout the playground tell the story of Black Americans like Katherine Johnson, the mathematician whose work was vital to the success of the Project Mercury spaceflights. There's a replica of the stoplight invented by Garrett Morgan next to a rope course designed to evoke the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama.

County officials and community leaders participate in a ceremonial ribbon cutting May 31 to mark the opening of a new playground at Douglass Community Center.

Loudoun County Parks and Recreation Director Steve Torpy called the playground "one of a kind" in his remarks before county officials and communities leaders participated in a ceremonial ribbon cutting.

The Douglass Community Center is located at 407 East Market Street in Leesburg and offers year-round licensed programs for children, including preschool classes, camps and daycare. More information about Douglass Community Center programs is available at

Children react May 31 after trying out the twisty slide at the new Douglass Community Center playground.

Children climb "Selma Bridge" May 31 at a grand opening event for the new Douglass Community Center playground.

A child tries out the twisty slide May 31 during a grand opening event for the new Douglass Community Center playground.

Families explore the new Douglass Community Center playground May 31.

The new Douglass Community Center playground features a replica of the stoplight invented in 1923 by Garrett Morgan.

A child checks out the sign language panel May 31 at the new Douglass Community Center playground.

A child checks out an educational panel May 31 at the new Douglass Community Center playground.

Douglass Community Center preschool students recite the Pledge of Allegiance May 31 at a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new playground.

Loudoun County Supervisor Kristen Umstattd, D-Leesburg, makes remarks May 31 at a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new playground at Douglass Community Center.

A child hugs Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis Randall, D-At Large, May 31 as she makes remarks during a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new playground at Douglass Community Center.

Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis Randall, D-At Large, makes remarks May 31 at a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new playground at Douglass Community Center.

Loudoun County Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Steve Torpy makes remarks May 31 at a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new playground at Douglass Community Center.

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